Alarms and Alerts
Living independently in your own home
Your home is the center of your life. It’s where you sleep, where your family lives, and where you feel safe. The Visit system is designed to watch out for your home so you can focus on yourself and your loved ones. With Alarms and Alerts, Visit helps you keep tabs on ringing phones, babies crying, simmering pots, and buzzing doorbells, ensuring you never miss important sounds even when your hands are full.
The Visit system can be customised to your needs by selecting a transmitter together with a receiver. You can choose any combination as long as you use one of each.
For your convenience we also offer packages that are complete systems, ready to install and don’t require any electrical wiring or technical expertise.

Alarm Clocks
Ideal for heavy sleepers and people with hearing loss.
Clocks with bed shaker that are guaranteed to get you out of bed on time.
Getting up on time in the morning is not always easy. It’s even harder if you have trouble hearing the alarm. Our alarm clocks will wake you up with lights, sound and vibrations, so you never have to oversleep again.
Click on PRODUCT IMAGES for more details.
Meet the Receivers
Everyone’s taste is different, and one-size-fits-all doesn’t always fit you. That’s why we created a family of receivers that work seamlessly with each other, your home and your lifestyle.
Click on PRODUCT IMAGES for more details.

Meet the Transmitters
The wireless transmitters detect the sound, alert you to fire or if pressed, send a signal to your choice of receivers.
Click on PRODUCT IMAGES for more details.

Visit Accessories
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Packages for Baby & Fire alerts
Protect your home and family.
The material in much of today’s furniture makes fires burn faster, and nowadays it can take less than 5 minutes for a fire to take over a room. Visit discovers smoke and smoldering fire at an early stage and relays the alarm directly to your bedroom.
Knowing that you can get out of harm’s way in time provides a peaceful night’s sleep for both you and your family.
Click on PRODUCT IMAGES for more details.
Smoke Alert Packages
Click on PRODUCT IMAGES for more details.

Baby Alert Packages
Caring for your baby’s health and safety is one of the most important things you do as a parent. Visit keeps a watchful eye on your baby around the clock and senses every little gurgle.
Knowing you’re connected to your little one as she is safely tucked in will give you the peace of mind to get some rest too.
Click on PRODUCT IMAGES for more details.

Visual Alert for Doorbell Packages
Know when your guests have arrived at your front door.
Ideal solution for the person who has difficulty hearing the normal doorbell.
Click on PRODUCT IMAGES for more details.